Monday, April 2, 2012

How to install the updates required for MS CRM 2011, MS CRM 4.0

Sometimes when installing the MS CRM(2011 or 4.0), this needs some updates and its recommened by MS, as attached in the image.

So if the serever is not connected to Internet, then it could not be updated.
Sometimes the installation passed succesfully and installed MS CRM.
But sometimes some weired errors will come.
I will share this in my next blog.

So to get the updates, we can use the config files and the start the installation in the command prompt.
the list of the updates required for Server,srsConnector,email router are as folllows
The following URLS are for x86-based platforms:
The following URLs are for x64-based platforms:
while downloading the above make sure about your version of OS 64 or 32
config file for server and command
save the below file in Server_Config.xml
  <Patch update="true">D://Server_amd64_ENU.msp(downloaded from 1st link)</Patch>
SetupServer.exe  /CONFIG folderpath\Server_Config.xml

like this the other two can be set up for srsConnector and the email Router
save the below file in SrsConnector_Config.xml
<Patch update="true">D://SRS_ENU_amd64.msp(downloaded from 1st link)</Patch>
SetupSrsDataConnector.exe /CONFIG folderpath\SrsConnector_Config.xml

Exchange Router
save the below file in SrsConnector_Config.xml
<Patch update="true">D://SRS_ENU_amd64.msp(downloaded from 1st link)</Patch>
Setupexchange.exe /CONFIG folderpath\SrsConnector_Config.xml

hope this helps...
